
Our European breakfast café serves the good ol’ American breakfast, too. Our beef bacon, grilled salami, home fried potatoes, pancakes, and eggs are sure to boost your energy today!...

Our take on a quintessential French café dish, this comes with eggs, home-fried potatoes, soujouk sausage, croissant, sautéed brussel sprouts, and brie. There’s also fresh fruit, jam, and butter on the side....

Make it Mediterranean! This dish is complete with eggs, caprese salad, soujouk sausage, kashar cheese, feta cheese, and brie. There’s jam, honey, olives, and toasted bread on the side, too....

Enjoy a hearty English breakfast anytime. We prepare eggs, French toast, fresh mozzarella balls, soujouk sausage, red beans, cherry tomatoes, and sautéed mushrooms just for you....

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